The Sustainable IT Toolbox

Beta version | Institute for Sustainable IT

232 Sustainable IT tools indexed in the toolbox

Welcome to the INR tool box that presents a list of Sustainable IT tools. Our goal for 2022 is to optimize this list: to improve the methodology for selecting tools and to cover all Sustainable IT themes.

If you have any suggestions for Sustainable IT tools or would like to get involved with us to help us optimize the toolbox, please write to us: outils-nr [@]


Explore a quickview of indexed tools in the Sustainable IT toolbox



Self-diagnosis tool offered by BPI University in partnership with ADEME for all companies. Allows you to take stock and measure the impact of your activity on the environment via the online self-diagnosis tool offered by BPI and ADEME

#Caclulate your environmental footprint   #Impact  



The rgaa for integrators

Integrator's guide as a framework for resources accompanying the handling of the general accessibility reference system for administrations (note version of this kit intended for RGAA 3 while version 4 is already in use)

#RGAA   #HTML   #CSS   #Code  




Susty is a super lightweight WordPress theme called Susty. It was designed to show how small a WordPress site can be (only 6KB of data transfer, or 7 with Yoast!). Experimenting with minimalism, the goal of this theme is to provide just enough code to power the site. 'Susty WP interface. So it is not recommended to go ahead and activate for your blog or production website without making some adjustments first. The objectives of this theme are described in a blog post titled Delivering WordPress in 7KB.

#CMS   #Framework   #Lowtech   #Wordpress  



Sustainable it academy

The Sustainable Digital Awareness MOOC is a sustainable digital training program for everyone.

#MOOC   #Training   #INR  



Energy meter logger

Records energy data on a Raspberry Pi and allows you to plot graphs of your energy consumption.

