232 Sustainable IT tools indexed in the toolbox
Welcome to the INR tool box that presents a list of Sustainable IT tools. Our goal for 2022 is to optimize this list: to improve the methodology for selecting tools and to cover all Sustainable IT themes.
If you have any suggestions for Sustainable IT tools or would like to get involved with us to help us optimize the toolbox, please write to us: outils-nr [@] institutnr.org
Explore a quickview of indexed tools in the Sustainable IT toolbox
Grande ecole du numérique
Formation of the Grande Ecole du Numérique network
#Digital Mediation #MOOC #Training
éCO2mix is a tool created by RTE to help consumers learn more about and consume electricity better. éCO2mix provides all the indicators of electricity consumption and production in real time, 24 hours a day, at national and regional level: Electricity consumption in mainland France (excluding Corsica) as well as our forecasts calculated on the old and at the beginning of the afternoon on D-day, French electricity production by sector in value and percentage, Trade in electricity with our 6 neighboring countries, CO2 emissions generated by electricity production, Monthly data at the 'regional scale: consumption, production and interregional flows.
#Energy #Reference data #FRANCE #EDF #Mix #RTE #Electricity #Carbon
Swiss transfer
SwissTransfer is a secure and simple way to share files, up to 50GB, securely in the world and without registration.
Sustainable development goals
This MOOC aims to inform you about the 17 objectives of sustainable development and to explain to you what they are. This MOOC was also built to make you want to get involved, or even to continue your involvement.
Open source bias auditing framework for machine learning developers, analysts and policymakers to audit machine learning models for discrimination and bias, and make informed and fair decisions regarding the development and the deployment of predictive risk assessment tools.